”Nicolae Testemitanu” University celebrated World Health Day
Annually, on April 7, we celebrate World Health Day, which aims to promote a healthy lifestyle, awareness of physical and mental well-being, as well as the risks of compromising it. Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy from the Republic of Moldova in partnership with the Association of Medical Students and Residents from Moldova (AMSR) organized today a series of actions in support of the global initiative. In the inauguration of the event, which took place at the University Sociocultural Complex, vice-rector for social activity Marcel Abras mentioned that by marking the World Health Day we can talk to the public about health that we received for free from nature and must protect. At the same time, starting today we must remove certain risk factors and change our way of life. "Let's say no to smoking, sedentarism, increased salt consumption, etc. and adopt a healthy lifestyle, prophylactic check-ups with specialist doctors, in such a way that we do not put the health system in difficulty", the vice-rector said.
Ala Nemerenco, the Minister of Health, present at the event, emphasized the significance of the World Health Day slogan of the current year - My health, my right. "The human right to health is a fundamental one, which must be respected by governments and citizens themselves. The right to health provides access to medical, education and health information services. The Ministry of Health invests a lot to create high-quality services - modern hospitals, primary care institutions, professional medical staff, etc.," the minister said. Also, the health official highlighted the importance of informing the population about risk factors, one of which is sedentarism - a disease of the 21st century, because most activities are carried out with the help of computers, devices, at the office, etc. It must be combated by physical exercise, walking, sports activities, actions that alleviate stress and improve the activity of the heart.
The program of actions included the provision of consultation and counseling services by cardiologists, endocrinologists and gynecologists - representatives of the specialized disciplines of the University, family doctors and nurses from the Primary Health Care Clinic of Nicolae Testemitanu University, who measured blood pressure, blood sugar and body mass index, distributed informative materials with reference to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, active and healthy way of life. he representatives of the Faculty of Stomatology - teaching staff, medical residents, and students - members of the Association of Stomatologist Students from Moldova - provided information on oral health hygiene, risk factors and measures to prevent dental diseases, dental caries prophylaxis in children, bad foods and drinks for teeth etc.
Besides, the medical students together with representatives of the University Center for Simulation in Medical Training organized workshops on providing medical first aid in the case of an unconscious person with cardiorespiratory arrest, in case of swallowing an object. They demonstrated the techniques of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, to save the life of someone who is pulseless and not breathing and maneuvers in case of suffocation with food or foreign objects in children and adults.
On the same day, 10 teams, five of which from Nicolae Testemitanu University, demonstrated their sports skills such as: strength, speed, resistance, flexibility and competitive spirit in Merry Starts contest, thus promoting the active and healthy way of life. For the first time, the team of Raisa Pacalo Center of Excellence in Medicine and Pharmacy and four teams from the medical colleges of Cahul, Orhei, Ungheni and Balti cities also participated in the competition. In the end, the winners were the team of the Faculty of Dentistry (first place), the team of the Faculty of Medicine – second place and the team of Cahul College of Medicine – third place. The event took place at the University Sports Complex and was organized in partnership with AMSR and the Office of the World Health Organization in the Republic of Moldova.
In the same context, the Communication and Public Relations Department of Nicolae Testemitanu University launched, on April 7, a new edition of the drawing competition "The doctor - through the eyes of a child", for students from grades I-XII of primary and secondary education institutions and from high schools with an artistic profile or arts/fine arts schools of the country. Students are encouraged to create a work (drawing, painting, or collage) that will reflect their emotions and vision of the profession of doctor, pharmacist or nurse, health education and healthy lifestyle. The contest will take place until June 7, and the winners will be announced on the eve of the Day of the Medical Worker and Pharmacist.
In the context of World Health Day, the Department of Pediatrics of Nicolae Testemitanu University in partnership with the Society of Pediatrics from the Republic of Moldova and AMSR initiated a series of open lessons in schools, for students from primary, secondary, and high schools. The information activities are carried out under the slogan "United for a healthy lifestyle in school", under the project "Health patrol for young explorers: Together for education and prevention in schools". The first activity took place at Litterarum Theoretical High School in the municipality of Chisinau on April 5.
On April 5, the Department of Romanian Language and Medical Terminology of the University organized an extracurricular activity in the context of World Health Day. Medical students capitalized on the importance of human health by presenting materials on widespread diseases, their treatment methods, and preventive measures, as well as on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The activity was conducted in an instructional-interactive manner, with students participating with presentations, puzzles, quizzes, and riddles, and engaging in games and dialogues. Medical students have stated that this day serves as a catalyst for positive changes in behavior and the way of thinking regarding our own health and those around us.
Fourth-year students from the Public Health study program, Faculty of Medicine no. 1, participated in a flash mob with the tagline "An active and healthy way of life", thus marking the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace and World Health Day. The event was organized on April 5 by Atletmed National Sports Medicine Center in partnership with the Preventive Medicine Department of the University and the Moldovan-Swiss project "Healthy life: reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases".
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